At the beginning of each new year, your team at Clearwater Capital Partners comes together to produce our annual outlook report. This is a fair-minded attempt to establish a baseline set of economic assumptions and observations for the coming year. As in years past, our purpose is to set forth sensible economic perspectives to enlighten and guide our investment strategies throughout the year.
Our process begins with an in-depth study of research produced by some of the nation’s leading financial firms and prominent academic institutions. Our team carefully deliberates over these diverse narratives, and we debate the wide range of opinions. This said, our Outlook 2022 report represents much more than an elementary summary of the Wall Street commentary churned out each year. We work hard to balance our macro view with insights we continuously receive from our clients and their businesses.
Our goal is to create an intelligent framework for decision making. We welcome the hard work that brings us to our own insights and opinions. This discipline promotes a better understanding of the primary forces affecting the financial system, while enhancing our ability to keep critical decisions close to our clients as the fact pattern evolves over time.