Oh what a difference a year makes. For a moment, and I know it’s scary, transport yourself back to where you were 365 days ago. The S&P 500 was down about 20% in the month of March, 2020. We had witnessed the Dow Jones fall almost 3000 points in a single day, panic and uncertainty was pretty much the only thing we had to hold on to. It was just a bit before this time when our firm released our first COVID – 19 related commentary.
We, much like most of America, were scrambling to put together the facts. News was moving fast, headlines seemed to contradict each other, and everyone was seemingly hopelessly trying to figure out what was best for them and their family.
The next 12 months proceeded to hit the country hard. We lost friends, family members, and neighbors. The mourning process was very real and very hard on everybody. Mourning and pain, however, is temporary; it comes and goes. COVID – 19 has, unfortunately, instilled in many people a perma-down (this is a term I made up for people who seem to be permanently down because of the pandemic quarantines). Fast forward to today, 365 days later, and I am here to say that I think this is the beginning of the end.