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Jeffrey P. DeHaan, CFP®

Managing Partner – Private Wealth Management

Jeffrey DeHaan, CFP® Attends the Wharton School Client Psychology Executive Education Course

May 1, 2019

Clearwater Capital Partners is pleased to announce that Jeffrey DeHaan, Partner, was selected to participate in the inaugural Client Psychology course offered through a partnership between the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Certified Financial Planner Board. Jeff spent 3 days on the University of Pennsylvania campus learning about the psychological processes involved in financial decision making from researchers at the forefront of this burgeoning field of study.

The Client Psychology course is designed to help financial advisors develop a more effective client-centered practice by drawing heavily on advances in psychology, behavioral finance, evidence-based decision making, and the human sciences to better understand the biases, behaviors, and perceptions that impact client decision making and financial well-being. Through insights based on rigorous research, experience, and interaction, participants learn from academic thought leaders to develop new methods for communicating with clients, helping them achieve their goals, dealing with potential financial stress and hardships, and making key decisions. This specially developed course takes an interdisciplinary approach that draws on the latest breakthroughs in behavioral finance, psychology, therapy and counseling, and even neuroscience.

“Continuing to develop the skills and knowledge base necessary to effectively advise clients in an ever evolving financial world has been a priority for everyone at Clearwater Capital Partners since its inception,” said John Chapman, Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer.“The caliber of resources that Wharton and the CFP Board were able to assemble made this a truly enriching experience not only for Jeff, but for the rest of the firm as we digest and implement the lessons he learned during his time in Philadelphia as we strive to provide the best outcomes for our clients.”

About the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school in the world, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is widely acknowledged to be one of the world’s most prestigious business schools. Wharton boasts a faculty of over 240 implementing founder Joseph Wharton’s vision for a business school focusing on rigorous analysis, actionable knowledge, and responsible leadership. Wharton’s senior leadership continues that vision to advance Wharton as the foremost research-led business school in the world.

About the CFP Board

The mission of Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. is to benefit the public by granting the CFP® certification and upholding it as the recognized standard of excellence for competent and ethical personal financial planning. The Board of Directors, in furthering CFP Board’s mission, acts on behalf of the public, CFP® professionals and other stakeholders.

About Clearwater Capital Partners

Clearwater Capital Partners is a privately held, Independent Registered Investment Advisor. The firm provides comprehensive wealth management services to successful individuals and families through their Private Client Practice. The firm’s Institutional Advisory Group offers a suite of professional services to businesses, non-profit organizations, foundations, and ERISA governed retirement plans.

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